New Years Eve 2014 I was sitting in prison watching the TV and all the people celebrating in New York City and everyone was yelling Happy New Year! They were drinking and screaming and yelling and acting as if they were having fun but something in my spirit did not believe them. I asked God, “Lord are they really Happy?”
The Lord responded to me, “Michael, you can live an empty life filling yourself daily with this world or you can live a full life in Jesus Christ emptying yourself daily of this world”.
I give this word to you today and let you meditate on it and let it fill your soul. Choose now how you will live the next year one day at a time. Will you fill yourself with this world and never be full or will you empty yourself daily of this world and have a full life in Jesus Christ!
You make the choice! Choose the life in Jesus Christ or the death in this world.
God bless you all in Jesus Mighty Name. Jesus is the Happy in my New Year!
Happy New Year!
Evangelist Michael Bowen