Staring into a mirror
Startled by the stranger looking back at me
Unfamiliar eyes unfocused
Something has stolen who I used to be
Once there was a light
Now just a dark stranger invading my space
Eyes once full of excitement
Now just a cracked mirror broken face
What have I become
When will I be able to shed this evil disguise
Who is this lonesome nobody
Why all the sadness filling his eyes
Reflections in a mirror
This stranger just an illusion from the other side
Wickedness attacks through smoked filled rooms
My terrorized spirit retreats somewhere to hide
Our eyes are the windows of our souls
As a child of light lost I am confused by the dark
Looking into this mirror
I expected to see that same old familiar spark
Bright lively eyes once framed by truth
Now replaced by dark eyed cold lying stare
This mirror I have found is a deceiver
An illusion telling me I am no longer there
Continuing down this path gone crooked
My lost feet still stepping along this unfamiliar way
This road I have travelled has led me into destruction
The cost of the damage to my soul I am unable to pay
My spirit has been compromised
Crying out to be delivered from all the pain
Reaching through smoke grasping for freedom
Desperately trying to find a way out of this wicked game
Mirrors in all directions
Looking for the one reflecting the good light
All others are leading to the same wall of darkness
There is only one way to get back my good sight
Mirrors are on the move everywhere
Mirrors with many reflections on the go
In one of them I hope to find myself
In that good mirror my face has to show
Searching for my lost mirror
Two mirrors face off reflecting the unseen
The image unlocked leads deep into eternity
Time and space here are thrown away into a dream
Mirror reflecting mirror
The reflection of a reflection that never ends
Head first dive into forever’s reflection
I am now off on my journey to find my lost friend
Stepping into my future brightly
Tip toeing gracefully across a beam of reflective light
Now I see my spirit in hiding
Out of the blind dark eternity has given me back my good sight
Back to my future in the present
Eternity has helped me uncover never-ending power and grace
In a tide pool hidden behind the rocks in a river of living water
In beauty I see my face reflecting my face
God has created us in His image
We were made by Him to always reflect His everlasting light
Like mirrors taken up by the wind
Our spirits were born to forever be in flight
Always free from the captivity of darkness
Flying high above the heaviness of this earth
Dancing in sweet rhythm across the clouds
Each new day in Christ Jesus brings rebirth
We are born of flying spirit
Delivered on the wings of God’s amazing grace
Once we look away from His love
The mirror we trust will quickly be replaced
God says if you seek me
Come after me with all of your might
You will find your good reflection in my son
I will deliver you from the darkness of your night
I am God over all creation
My son Jesus the Christ is your King
Our love reflects in all directions
It is the eternal song now your spirit happily sings
You are my treasured possession
Created as a reflection of me for all creation to see
We are each other’s mirror
Face to face only in Christ Jesus we will always be
Look into the light on focus
Your spirit feeding on the bread of life in the Word
I look through you when you look at yourself
When you join our song it makes the sweetest music ever heard
Staring into a mirror
In Christ Jesus once again I see my beautiful self
Never again will I trust other mirrors
No longer will my spirit have to go stealth
Looking back to my future now in the present
God’s eternal light a reflection to all through me
This child of light has found his way home
My journey into eternity through my good reflection I now see

~ Michael Bowen