Love all around
Time and space ready to unfold
The artist’s voice said let there be light
The story of God will be told
Creation of the universe
Pure art in every obedient word
Across the canvass creation splatters
And God said that it was good
Brush strokes through the cosmos
Planets hung in place by His mighty right hand
He fastened the milky way tightly
Orion’s belt securely in a band
Our earth’s placement was perfect
The whole universe expanding in all directions from its point
We are the reason for creation
Created for God’s pleasure for Him to enjoy
Somehow creation got twisted
All bunched up in human knots
Creation was intended to be smooth and seamless
Like fine linen without blemish or spots
Like beautiful silk tapestry flowing gracefully
Cosmic rainbow prism colors without an end
How did we let it get corrupted
Now His enemy when we were created His friend
Sin has polluted everything
Once beautiful colors now together messily they run
Faded and distorted are the images
A painting like this could never be hung
We are creation’s provision
We are creation’s saving grace
God said only in His righteousness
Can we ever again see Him face to face
God sent us His son our painter
He is our righteousness for God to see
Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior
All will confess and bow to their knees
God in His creation has provided
A way in which we are to be saved
The beauty of the cross is in its colors
Bear yours with Jesus add color to your life today
Jesus has perfected obedience
God’s grand masterpiece painted at the cross
All alone rejected and suffering
The colors that paid the cost
Take part in His suffering
Live by the light of His eternal flame
Only living in Christ Jesus
Is artwork worthy of being framed
God calls all of us back to Him
On His canvass with Him in full color he wants us to be
Painted beautifully by the hand of Jesus
We are the creation in Jesus God wants to see
In all of its splendor and glory
Forgiving our sins and forgetting our past
When Jesus comes again to collect us as God’s painting
Our heavenly father has saved His best work of art for last